
Growing Agile

Miro vs Mural - the online whiteboard choice - solved!

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read

​ Hello fellow agile coach Reader, ​

When we launched our Ready-to-use Agile Testing Workshop, inevitably we faced the question, which tool should we use for the online whiteboard? We've worked with hundreds of organisations since COVID, and have seen Miro and Mural both used quite a lot. So we made the choice as simple as possible: Which one was cheaper?

As it turns out you can create and share a board in Mural with a free account. So that was our choice for launching.

Since launching the workshop we have received a significant amount of user feedback that people would love a Miro board. We decided to run a poll on Linked in to see how popular this choice would be.

The results:

Karen's Poll Results

Sam's Poll Results

As you can see there was a clear preference. So we've decided to act on the feedback and add a Miro template to our Agile Testing Workshop. Don't worry we haven't removed Mural, and we've decided all our Ready-to-Use workshops will now feature both templates. Creating the same template in both has definitely been an interesting experience comparing features!

So if you were waiting for a Miro template, you've now got it! Go ahead and grab the workshop now.


Agile Testing - Ready To Use - Workshop Guide

Everything you need to run an engaging 90 minute workshop with your team on the agile testing mindset.

Feedback has also been so positive that we are starting work on the next workshop already. Stay tuned to find out more about it. And if you have a workshop topic you'd love to see in the series hit reply and let us know!


Growing Agile

The agile coach's assistant

We create content for agile coaches and trainers, to help them manage their hectic workloads with ease.

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