
Growing Agile

We create content for agile coaches and trainers, to help them manage their hectic workloads with ease.

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Explore our fresh website

Hello fellow agile coach Reader, 🌱 Exciting Update! Explore our updated website at We hope this will make it easier than ever to discover our products and insights. As always we love feedback, so please let us know what you think, by replying to this email. 🚀 Unlock Your Potential with Coaching Whether you're just beginning your agile journey, seeking to enhance your existing practices or a manager looking to improve, as experienced coaches we are here to guide you every...

Hello fellow agile coach Reader, Our idea of Ready-To-Use workshops seem to have resonated with many of you. We were inspired to create our second Ready-To-Use workshop! This one is all about planning, or requirements, or backlog refinement or whatever you call that meeting where you talk about what is needed. For years we have believed that 90% of team problems could be solved with better planning sessions, and so we have packed all this information into a great 90 minute workshop for you....

Miro vs Mural

Hello fellow agile coach Reader, When we launched our Ready-to-use Agile Testing Workshop, inevitably we faced the question, which tool should we use for the online whiteboard? We've worked with hundreds of organisations since COVID, and have seen Miro and Mural both used quite a lot. So we made the choice as simple as possible: Which one was cheaper? As it turns out you can create and share a board in Mural with a free account. So that was our choice for launching. Since launching the...

Hello fellow agile coach Reader, You might recall us doing some user research just over a month ago. Thank you so much to those of you who participated! We got your feedback loud and clear, and have been beavering away since then on a new concept. What was the feedback? The majority of you are agile coaches working very hard and with many teams across your (mostly large) organisations. You would love to have more time for conversations: to coach, listen, learn, nudge and problem solve. You...

Hello Reader, Thank you for volunteering to take part in our user research survey.We have put together a google form with 14 questions. We estimate this will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. Go to the questionnaire If you know of other agile coaches who wouldn't mind filling this in, please forward this link to them: The more responses we get, the better decisions we can make on what might help agile coaches.Thank you!

Hello Reader, We all know that the best products are designed by first doing some user research. That's where you come in. You are our potential users. We are creating a brand new exciting product to help agile coaches. We think we've come up with an good idea, but of course, that's what we need to find out. Is it as good as we think? Is this you? Are you an agile coach that works with multiple teams and other coaches or Scrum Masters? Do you get asked to run workshops or training courses on...

Hello Reader, It's been a productive month for us at Growing Agile. We've been re-exploring the world of online courses, to launch our latest course on Kanban. As part of the launch we've created some blog posts with content related to Kanban, as well as some handy free tools like a Taskboard quiz, and a retrospective plan with a Mural template. Be sure to check out these great resources or see the blog links below. As a valued subscriber, we'd like to offer you our Kanban course for only...

blue moon

Hello Reader, Did you see the blue moon last week? It seems to have made the news all over the world. For those who don't know (like I didn't) a blue moon is the second full moon within a single calendar month. The next time there will be one is 19 August 2024. Our big news is that we will be launching a new course in September, and we are pretty sure there have been many blue moons since our last course launch, so you won't want to miss it. When last did your team's task board get updated?...